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Even if we've seen the last of him for now, this performer was a jack of all trades, and probably one of the sexiest men in gay porn to boot! Simmons has also been lauded with awards and nominations including being inducted into the GayVN Awards Hall of Fame in 2009! Bobby Blake Years Active: 1992 - 2010īobby Blake is a legend and one of the hardest working Black men in the industry. This massive top is known for his dominant persona while the cameras are rolling and has starred in over 100 films during his career in the adult industry. He is best known for working with studios like HIS Video and Bacchus over his illustrious barrier-breaking career before his retirement from the business. Bobby Blake also starred in several very controversial gay amateur fuck titles that deal with race and rough sex as act of retribution against racial transgressions.

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If Bobby's anything as a performer, he's fearless as fuck. The controversial titles were shot for fantasy from the studio Dick Wadd, but the performances and racial angle were eye-opening just the same.

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